A Word to Parents
As your child considers participating in one of our summer opportunities, there are likely many things on your mind. It may mean potentially foregoing or modifying other good things for a period - time with family, summer classes, internships or other jobs. With all of this in mind, we have sought to design our offerings to allow room for these things while also providing your child with comparable relational and developmental benefits. After nearly 50 years of hosting summer opportunities, we are confident that this is a worthy investment of time that will pay dividends for years to come.
Furthermore, we take seriously the well-being of your son or daughter, and sincerely believe in and support the authoritative role that God has granted parents in the lives of their children. You have made immeasurable contributions to the life of your child. It is our privilege to affirm those investments and to come alongside you in their spiritual growth and development. Many of our staff are parents, too, and all of us do what we do because we love college students and specifically, your child.